Suns, Serpents & Symbols


My idea for this final major project was to create a publication that would serve as a documentation of paganism as this religion has no books or written material about it. 

Even though Lithuania is now a Christian country, before that we believed in paganism, and we were the last European country to give up this religion. Those people that chose paganism as their religion believe that this religion is more suited for Lithuanians as it was our previous religion and that it goes hand in hand with our country and its cultural heritage. There are still a lot of crafted objects and materials, left all over Lithuania that have pagan symbols or ornaments. In my publication, I try to portray that craftsmanship and visuals by using textiles and threads. 

There are also superstitions and holidays/festivals still present from that time. Today Lithuanians may have forgotten they come from pagan culture.​​​​​​​

As a Lithuanian graphic designer, I wanted to create something that would showcase my culture through graphic design.

While showcasing my publication at the New Designers 2024 exhibition, I received the Affinity Digital Design Award for my project.